I had the distinct pleasure of doing both at the same time on Saturday morning, when I attended my first Etsy West Michigan (EtsyWMI team) coffee social. This terrific group of women re-charged my batteries with their abundant creativity, dazzling humor, and encouragement! AND they shared secrets of the (web) universe with me to help me in my own Etsy shop endeavors!
Sure, I came away with an even longer to-do list, but they were all tasks that should leave my little shop more exposed to what the universe has to offer (not to mention exposing others to my cool creations) so I couldn't be more jazzed! I learned more in that couple of hours about growing one's craft business than I had in months of online research! I also learned what amazing things women can do when they put their hearts and minds together!
I'm already looking forward to meeting up with the gals next month, and feel so blessed to be part of such a wonderful tribe! Having told you about what a delight it was to spend time with these women, I feel I would genuinely be doing you a disservice by not sharing them and their creations with you, so here they are):

From left, standing: Ginny, LaShelle, Barbara, Jesse Lin, Cathy*, & ME! ;)
From left, sitting: Harriet*, Amy, & Julie
Ginny, New Leaf Designs (art to decorate you and your home at http://newleafdesigns.etsy.com)
LaShelle, Butterfly Heavens (assorted creations--let your imagination take you away at http://butterflyheavens.etsy.com)
Barb, Barbara's Quilts (quilts and quilted gifts for the generations at http://barbarasquilts.etsy.com)
Jessee Lin, Jessee Lin's Jewelry Box (high-quality, unique and vintage jewelry at http://jesseelin.etsy.com)
*Cathy, Just Jaynes (modern and simple sterling silver jewelry at http://justjaynes.etsy.com)
*Harriet, That is So Cute (handknits, felted & more; handmade without the work at http://thatissocute.etsy.com)
Amy, Perennial Piecer (unique jackets, shirts, and bookmarks at http://perennialpiecer.etsy.com)
Julie, Celebrate Today (hand-stamped, personalized jewelry at http://celebratetoday.etsy.com)
*Cathy (Just Jaynes) & Harriet (That is so Cute) are our awesome team leaders! They work regularly to keep us all in touch via forums, set up group treasuries, and keep our team blog (http://etsywestmichigan.blogspot.com/) up-to-date. Because of their dedication to excellence in their individual crafts and for 'paying it forward' to those just learning the ropes and new to the Etsy community, these two terrific women are today's Angels of the Day!
I hope you get a chance to check out each of these amazing & unique women & their creations!
Live with gratitude & seize the day!